John Moxon,Meikles Africa,Farai Rwodzi ,Mujuru & Interfin Bank cartel must be dismantled part 1 0f 10.
This is part one of a 10 part series to document why and how the John Moxon,Meikles Africa,Farai Rwodzi ,Mujuru & Interfin Bank cartel (The Cartel) must be dismantled.It must be noted when Kingdom Meikles Africa Limited and John Moxon were specified I wrote various articles criticizing the Governments move in the specification and opposed any attempt to seize Meikles Africa Limited under any excuse.My views remain I still believe Meikles Africa Limited must operate as an independent business free from any politics or political interferences.However it is clear that Mr Moxon and Meikles Africa may have mis-calculated in their appointment of Generel Mujuru's errand-boy-cum-business partner and front Farai Rwodzi as the Meikles Africa Chairman.This relationship will expose both Moxon and Meikles Africa to severe reputational risk which maybe almost impossible to mitigate.
This cartel is greedy and will stop at nothing to grab businesses and assets.It is now well documented how they tried to grab Kingdom Bank from its Founder.The intention was to merger Kingdom with CFX./Interfin Banking Corporation.
The problem with this level of unchecked greed is that its a threat to national security as few individuals seek to control all meaningful assets,businesses and resources in the country.This causes national instability and agitation as the allocation of resources becomes skewed and unsustainable.
Farai Rwodzi and Interfin Banking Corrporation have been behaving like a corporate hooligans totally devoid of any reasoning such that its hard to grasp why the Meikles Board and the Interfin Board keep Farai Rwodzi as Chairman besides political muscle borrowed from Mujuru.
Farai Rwodzi and Interfin Bank illegally and irregularly grabbed my 309 million shares worth 5 cents each in Century Bank which were fraudulently converted into CFX Bank then finally into CFX/ Interfin Banking Corporation.
I have given Farai Rwodzi and Interfin Bank 2 clear options
1 - Pay cash US $ 15.4 million ( 309 million shares multiplied by 5 cents per share)
2 - Or issue 309 million shares in Interfin Financial Holdings to me and my Company ENG Capital.
However because of the John Moxon and Meikles Africa backing and resources plus the General Mujuru political muscle Farai Rwodzi has tried to ignore the claim only making one flase claim that he has paid me US $ 5.3 million.
This irresponsible behaviour and actions by Farai Rwodzi and Intefin Bank are clear grounds to terminate a business relationship , which is what Mr Moxon should have done long ago.But because he is now to deeply involved with this cartel he finds it difficult if not impossible to leave this asset plundering and grabbing cartel.However if he insists on leaving Farai Rwodzi as Chairman of Meikles Africa and let him him throw his weight around on the basis of the Meikles Africa balance sheet and resources the Meikles Africa shareholder,investors,Management and other stakeholders should be asking themselves if thats what they would want their name assoiciated with since the reputational risk only continue to grow as the cartels's activities are exposed and documented.
This article appears courtesy of GMRI CAPITAL – . It is original content generated for 3MG MEDIA – .
Gilbert Muponda is an Investment Banker and Founder of GMRI CAPITAL . He can be reached at; and
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