Farai Rwodzi ,CFX/Interfin Bank Zimbabwe & Muponda ownership dispute Part 5 of 5
This is the final of the “Farai Rwodzi ,CFX/Interfin Bank Zimbabwe & Muponda ownership dispute” series which documents the illegal,irregular and corrupt take over of Century/CFX Bank and its fraudulent conversion into Interfin Banking Corporation by Farai Rwodzi.
Over the last 10 or so years Zimbabwe has seen a vast transformation in terms of asset ownership and control of the means of production. Some of it has been legal some illegal. Some has been positive some hasn’t been a total disaster.
During this transformation many illegal and irregular transactions were done under one pretext or the other. Now with foreign investors keen on Zimbabwe its about time those who are holding looted assets to clean them and account for how they acquired them. People like Mr Rwodzi and Interfin will find this had if not impossible to do because they hold looted and grabbed assets.
However due to the move towards Globalizations and market convergence it is clear that illegally and irregularly acquired wealth and assets will find it difficult to gain their true market valuation as there will be extra scrutiny and back ground checks to verify how certain assets were acquired.
In my dispute with Mr Farai Rwodzi ,Inte4rfin Bank Zimbabwe and the Interfin Shareholders it is clear this is very relevant.
Mr Farai Rwodzi and His Interfin Banking Corporation have been throwing excuse after excuse in an effort to hide their tracks of taking over my Bank whuch was illegally and fraudulently converted from Century Bank to CFX Bank then finally into CFX/Interfin Banking Corporation.All these changes are designed to conceal the original fraudulent of the 309 Century Bank million shares converted into CFX Bank.
Due to technology and market intergration and interaction it is impossible to hide such illegal takeovers.And once the market detects such history will not perform .This is what exactly happened to CFX Bank until it was on the verge of collapse then Interfin felt wise enough that they could salvage some value and assist in hiding the original fraud by renaming the Bank as Interfin Banking Corporation.
Interfin have been claiming they were not part of the original fraud so they cant be held accountable for the initial illegal transfer of the 309 million Century Bank shares into CFX Bank. This is clearly a mischivious and desperate defence by Interfin Banking Corporation.
This is similar to someone who has just been caught at a road block driving a stolen car and in def3ence asks the police to ,let him drive on the car since he wasn’t the one who actually stole the car.”Have these Gentlemen ever had of Possession of stolen property? In any case the original “buyer” of the 309 million shares remains a mystry and as such Interfin must be held accountable.
In the above example the Police normally hold the driver of the stolen car until they locate the alleged original thief otherwise if the original thief is not identified then the one driving the car is deemed to be the thief.
In business and especially in Corporate Finance there is something called Due diligence.In everyday language this refers to a detailed back ground check and verification of facsts before you enter into a material transaction. So in this case before Mr Farai Rwodzi and Interfin got involved with Century/CFX Bank they should have done a due diligence which would have revealed that Century/CFX Bank was a stoled asset and their fore they should avoid any dealings with it.
Having proceeded to take over CFX/Century Mr Farai Rwodzi and Interfin Bank assumed all assets and liabilities of CFX/Century Bank and this includes my $ 15.4 million claim for my 309 million Century shares illegally and irregularly converted into Interfin Banking Corporation.
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